Thursday, July 5, 2007

God, can we have some sunshine?

Yet again, we had nothing but rain. It's been a constant drip from the heavens. I realize that this time last year we were begging you for rain, our grass looked like hay and we were waiting completely impatiently for the hour of the day we could water. But I would, and I'm sure most Texans would agree, prefer my rain in little bursts, maybe once a week or once every two weeks, not everyday for 3 months. I mean we have already had more than our average rainfall for the year. Over 35 inches so far this year and its only July. Please, can you make it stop for just a little bit. My kids are suppose to be enjoying the summer having fun outdoors, not watching TV and playing video games all day.

Your loving supporter and big believer.

I felt the need to put it in writing, I hope that expedites my plea.

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